In times when it’s hard to make a difference in the market based on the quality or the cost of the product, only the salesforce of the corporation can generate added value. To achieve this objective the modern salesman has to possess a great deal of self motivation and a winning attitude regardless of the circumstances. What makes this experiential workshop differ from similar others is that it does not solely intend to animate people once more only for them to return to their former emotional state after a while. Through N.L.P, PSYCH-K, energetic techniques and creative visualization, the aim is to change limiting beliefs- conditioning and teach techniques that will turn the salesman into a driving force for the success of the company. Especially today, where employees in any position inside a company need to learn how to sell, this workshop is addressed to the entire personnel of the company.
Dreampro_6 Instilling a winning attitude in the salesforce of the company
Group Training
Professional Development
Dreampro_6 Instilling a winning attitude in the salesforce of the company
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